Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
BKC Theme: Pillows or Beds
Hey, it's time for the Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos.
The Festival is being hosted
by the Bengal Brats over at Pet's Garden Blog.
The theme this week is pillows or beds.
I received two beds for my birthday last month.
Actually, I was supposed to share one of them with Willow.
She might not like the beds because she is bigger than I am.
I fit perfectly in each bed.
From the beginning, I have always chosen the green bed
to sleep in. But I am willing to try them both.
The green bed is still sitting on the chair shown below.
My Lap Lady moved the blue bed over by the fireplace.
I don't have any pictures yet
but I like the blue bed by the fireplace.
It's not cold enough to use the fireplace
but it should be very nice this winter!
Not only is it time for the Bad Kitty Cat's Festival of Chaos
but it's time for the Carnival of Cats too!
The Carnival is being hosted
by Kosmo, Mousie, Indigo & Amber
over at This, That & The Other Thing.
Lots of cats to go visit today!
The Festival is being hosted
by the Bengal Brats over at Pet's Garden Blog.
The theme this week is pillows or beds.
I received two beds for my birthday last month.
Actually, I was supposed to share one of them with Willow.
She might not like the beds because she is bigger than I am.
I fit perfectly in each bed.
to sleep in. But I am willing to try them both.
The green bed is still sitting on the chair shown below.
My Lap Lady moved the blue bed over by the fireplace.
I don't have any pictures yet
but I like the blue bed by the fireplace.
It's not cold enough to use the fireplace
but it should be very nice this winter!
but it's time for the Carnival of Cats too!
The Carnival is being hosted
by Kosmo, Mousie, Indigo & Amber
over at This, That & The Other Thing.
Lots of cats to go visit today!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
BKC Theme: Fall or Roll
It's time for the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
being hosted by Samantha Black at The Tuxedo Gang Hideout
and the Theme for the day is "Fall" or "Roll".
After considering the theme of the day,
I decided to "Roll" myself into my round cat bed.
As you can see, my bed is perched somewhat precariously
on the top of the couch.
Therefore I am holding my right paw out for leverage
while leaning back to avoid "Fall"ing off the top of the couch!
You'll be happy to know that my plan worked
and I had a great nap!!!
being hosted by Samantha Black at The Tuxedo Gang Hideout
and the Theme for the day is "Fall" or "Roll".
After considering the theme of the day,
I decided to "Roll" myself into my round cat bed.
As you can see, my bed is perched somewhat precariously
on the top of the couch.
Therefore I am holding my right paw out for leverage
while leaning back to avoid "Fall"ing off the top of the couch!
You'll be happy to know that my plan worked
and I had a great nap!!!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tummy Toesday
I'm sorry to have been gone since last week
but my Lap Lady was impossibly busy -- and what?...
that means no time for me to blog???
What's up with that???
So, she allowed me one quick tummy picture
for Tummy Tuesday...
Why couldn't you get some toes here, LL???...
with my up-handed toes...
Well, I did kind of give Willow a bit of a smack-down...
Lazor Eyes, Lazor Eyes.........
Oh, and I will be sharing my picture with Willow...
I love her but do you see any Tummy on Willow???
but my Lap Lady was impossibly busy -- and what?...
that means no time for me to blog???
What's up with that???
So, she allowed me one quick tummy picture
for Tummy Tuesday...
Why couldn't you get some toes here, LL???...
with my up-handed toes...
Well, I did kind of give Willow a bit of a smack-down...
Lazor Eyes, Lazor Eyes.........
I love her but do you see any Tummy on Willow???
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Charlie, my Squillion, surprised me...
Last Friday was my 11th birthday
and my squillion, Charlie planned a surprise for me.
Willow called me out to the porch
and there was Charlie, wearing a Spiderman Birthday Hat!
I jumped up and he told he had gathered
some of my friends for a little party.
Willow's squillion, Sadie Katie was there,
along with the 3 wooden cats and
Tiger, the kitty and Flopsy the bunny,
who like to stay out by our tent.
And, look what they had:
Tiger was holding the Cosmic Cat Treats
and Willow really did get me some Temptations!
I opened the Temptations
so we could all enjoy a treat.
What great friends!
Then my Lap Lady called me into the kitchen.
There I found a birthday cake with my name on it.
She told me it was a carrot cake
because I like watching the bunnies in the back yard.
The bunnies don't get to eat the cake though!
I don't get to eat the cake either
but I do get that little can of tuna!
So far, this has been the best birthday EVER!
and my squillion, Charlie planned a surprise for me.
Willow called me out to the porch
and there was Charlie, wearing a Spiderman Birthday Hat!
I jumped up and he told he had gathered
some of my friends for a little party.
Willow's squillion, Sadie Katie was there,
along with the 3 wooden cats and
Tiger, the kitty and Flopsy the bunny,
who like to stay out by our tent.
And, look what they had:
Tiger was holding the Cosmic Cat Treats
and Willow really did get me some Temptations!
so we could all enjoy a treat.
What great friends!
There I found a birthday cake with my name on it.
because I like watching the bunnies in the back yard.
The bunnies don't get to eat the cake though!
I don't get to eat the cake either
but I do get that little can of tuna!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Kashim and Othello
planned a remembrance for this WCB
We are remembering in our Cat Blogosphere...
And more...
Anastasia, Oscar the Puppy Cat, Ubee, Paul, Taboo, Sundance, Chatham, Suzanne, TeaCup Zephaniah, Biscuit Sinatra (still missing), Elijah Bob (still missing), Jack Skellington (still missing), Echo Baby, Captain Kitty, Abby, Jetta, Whiskers, Brendan, Moxie, Ariel, Buzzerbee, Mignon, Ariel, Murphy, Mia, Brandwyn, Celeste, Slinky, Haiku, Cricket, Gunther, unnamend woofie friend of Peach, Whiskers, Edith, Keiser, Ebony, Davidson, Lola, Stumpy, Scooter, Scrappy, sister Peanut the Ferret, sister Fiona Ferret, Uncle Tiger, Mama Kitty, Doggie Bonnie, and the Fish, woofie furrends Suzy and Pluto, Athena, Edloe, Piper, Krissie, Freda, Morris, Mao, Mao 2, Mao 3, Mao (Uncle Mao), Joonyer, Perl, Sadie Katie, Charlie, Samantha, little black kitten, one eyed kitten,...
And the ones who came before in my Family...
planned a remembrance for this WCB

In Remembrance of
Anastasia, Oscar the Puppy Cat, Ubee, Paul, Taboo, Sundance, Chatham, Suzanne, TeaCup Zephaniah, Biscuit Sinatra (still missing), Elijah Bob (still missing), Jack Skellington (still missing), Echo Baby, Captain Kitty, Abby, Jetta, Whiskers, Brendan, Moxie, Ariel, Buzzerbee, Mignon, Ariel, Murphy, Mia, Brandwyn, Celeste, Slinky, Haiku, Cricket, Gunther, unnamend woofie friend of Peach, Whiskers, Edith, Keiser, Ebony, Davidson, Lola, Stumpy, Scooter, Scrappy, sister Peanut the Ferret, sister Fiona Ferret, Uncle Tiger, Mama Kitty, Doggie Bonnie, and the Fish, woofie furrends Suzy and Pluto, Athena, Edloe, Piper, Krissie, Freda, Morris, Mao, Mao 2, Mao 3, Mao (Uncle Mao), Joonyer, Perl, Sadie Katie, Charlie, Samantha, little black kitten, one eyed kitten,...
And the ones who came before in my Family...

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