Monday, April 28, 2008

Meme Monday

First, I want to apologize to Jimmy Joe for taking so long to complete the Make A Wish Meme, started by Linda, since he tagged me last March 31st. I do tend to nap quite a bit, and I am getting on in years at 11... OK, no more excuses, I do love to nap in cozy places and that's where I have been and that's what I wish for all kitties -- to have nice cozy places in their forever homes, just like I have! If I find any kitties to tag who haven't played yet,
I will...after my nap!

These are the rules:

1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart's desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture:
4. Post the Make A Wish Meme and your wishing star on your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag as many people as you like so that there can be wishing stars all across the Blogosphere and ask them to please link back to Linda so that we can see what wishes others have made and share those wishes with others.

Copy this graphic:


Gemini and Ichiro said...

You and Willow have very complementary wishes!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great wish... Very nicely done.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very sweet wish, China Cat. :)

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

That is a very nice wish. We love our cozy beds!


Thank you so much for purring for Orange Boy. He is hanging in there and giving it a good fight!

Anonymous said...

Well, that wish was worth waiting for, just wonderful. Have a nice nap!!


Grate wish...
Pee Sss
Yu look a lot like my brofur Ping.

Parker said...

What a wonderful wish China!

Mickey's Musings said...

I like that wish too :)
I am very thankful for my cozy place :)
Purrs Mickey

Gretchen said...

That was a lovely wish, and I'm so excited that you are coming to my party. I can't wait.


Irishcoda said...

That's a very nice wish, hope it comes true!

Chrissie said...

That's one of the best wishes for a cat to have come true, Willow!

Cecil the Cougar: said...

What a very good wish!!! I fink the coziest place in my home is on my Mommie's lap!