Monday, November 10, 2008

My Monday Morning

Monday Morning and it's the coldest it has been so far this Autumn.
This couch is my current favorite napping place.
I was happy that Willow found me and snuggled in!
Now we're both warm and cozy!


Forty Paws said...

You guys don't have any fur catchers to lie upon? Holy cow mongers! That is way cool!

Luf, Us

Everycat said...

That's the best way to spend a cold day, snuggled up, cosy and safe (and snoring a bit) hehe

Whicky Wuudler

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh I bet it is very comfortable for you to snuggle together.

LZ said...

Yeah its freezing!! I even went under the covers to snuggle!


Anonymous said...

Ohh the smiles on your faces is just so excellent.. wish I could pop through the screen and help in the cuddle!!!


Shawie said...

oh so sweeeet!:) they just love the warmth of each other...

Mickey's Musings said...

Now that looks nice and cozy :)
We had cloudy,then sunny and warm then back to cloudy and rainy today!! Good thing we have cozy snoozy spots too :)
Enjoy your snooze.
Purrs Mickey

The Crew said...

You 2 look very cozy together.

Boy said...

That's nice!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Look at you 2,
so sweet cuddling together~!

Anonymous said...

Dat looks so cosy. praps I will like it when my lil bruvfurr arives after all.

Beethoven said...

Hey guys, you're both invited over on Saturday! Here's the invitation!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, GREAT snuggle picture! You both look so happy...

Ailurophile said...

Yep winter is coming here too - you guys look great snuggling together in that picture!