Thursday, January 22, 2009

Let me out.....please!

Can you believe this?!?!?!
Here I am at the door, ready to go out... My Big Janitor is standing there and so is my Lap Lady. Do you hear the door! It's all the way up to 55 degrees outside - it's practically warm.
I don't think that my Lap Lady needs to be taking my picture!
I am here so you can just take me outside
and maybe I can eat some grass...
Well, no one let met out so I may as well go back to bed!
Or come in and we can go visit some friends...
You haven't helped me blog much lately
so let's do something fun for me, OK???


LZ said...

That is like the most RUDE thing ever.


The Creek Cats said...

You are right 55 degrees is practically warm! Well, compared to the weather we've had lately!
Grass...nom nom nom! We hope you get to go outside, or at least have a great nap in the warm inside!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! 55 degrees is like a heat wave! I'd want to go out too!


Cat with a Garden said...

Humans! Why do they do this to us? I have to meow for ages until my mom lets me out... and mostly she doesn't let me out at all. Hrmpf!
I would be very interested to study your big fuss technique! Any videos?
Purrs, Siena

Mickey's Musings said...

Mom does that sometimes!! She goes outside and waves to me but will not let me out!!!
I hope they came in and gave you some scritches!!!
Purrs Mickey

Everycat said...

You tell 'em China, your needs are not being met, shout it out LOUD!


Kiddo said...

They should let you out, already!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

They should listen to you! You purr and everything for them! You look like Perry who lives here. He's cranky. You look nice. Perry should take lessons from YOU!

Noir in Texas

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i feel yer pain ... i feel yer pain.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh now that is just so rude!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

from where we are, it look like you are doing The Silent Meow (one of Teri's favorite books!). What humans won't do for a photo!

The cats of Furrydance and Teri

Quill and Greyson said...

I love that photo!

Forever Foster said...

They don't get it, do they?! Let us out to play, humans! We hope you get out soon. It sounds like the grass is desperate to be nommed on.

Daisy said...

Ah, and you asked so nicely, too!

Boy n Beethoven said...

They didn't let you out or play or anything? That's so bad!


Country Cats said...

Did you get to go out at all? W don't get to. Sometimes we make a run for it but Mom always catches us.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You REALLY should have been let OUT! 50 degreeses and all...

3 Cat Blog said...

You tell 'em! lol

You look very serious and that's always important when giving the human's a piece of your mind!!

catsynth said...

55F is probably warm enough to go out, someone seems quite intent on doing so.

We thought that China Cat may enjoy seeing some "China cats" that we posted this week :)