I am thankful that
Today I finally get to blog again!
It was like two weeks ago that my Lap Lady's parents drove here all the way from California. Usually they come to visit us at Christmas so I figured that something special was going on. It was nice having two extra people living with us - there was always someone to pay attention to me! But then last Wednesday my Lap Lady, Big Janitor and my Grandparents all left us alone...
They came home to sleep and then they all left again - sometimes for hours. My Lap Lady didn't even help me make my Easter picture. And I was missing visiting all my friends - I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter!
Anyway, my Grandparents left on Monday morning, my Big Janitor went on a business trip Tuesday morning and my Lap Lady was gone all day Monday, Tuesday and yesterday. But now I know what all the visiting was for...
My Lap Lady and Big Janitor's daughter, our human sister Darling Daughter (DD), had her very own little baby boy last Wednesday, April 8th and he got to go home on Easter Sunday. I didn't get to see him but my Lap Lady has been taking lots of pictures of him. I might be able to show you a picture of him - my LL will ask DD if that's OK with her. My LL says that Darling Grandson (DGS) is adorable and he already has Lots of hair on his head!
My Lap Lady is going back over to help with DGS so I am just going to stay cozy until she comes back home for dinner. Willow will probably come snuggle with me so we won't be lonely. I'm just glad to know why everyone kept leaving and my LL assured me that she will always come back to us!

Today I finally get to blog again!
It was like two weeks ago that my Lap Lady's parents drove here all the way from California. Usually they come to visit us at Christmas so I figured that something special was going on. It was nice having two extra people living with us - there was always someone to pay attention to me! But then last Wednesday my Lap Lady, Big Janitor and my Grandparents all left us alone...
They came home to sleep and then they all left again - sometimes for hours. My Lap Lady didn't even help me make my Easter picture. And I was missing visiting all my friends - I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter!
Anyway, my Grandparents left on Monday morning, my Big Janitor went on a business trip Tuesday morning and my Lap Lady was gone all day Monday, Tuesday and yesterday. But now I know what all the visiting was for...
My Lap Lady and Big Janitor's daughter, our human sister Darling Daughter (DD), had her very own little baby boy last Wednesday, April 8th and he got to go home on Easter Sunday. I didn't get to see him but my Lap Lady has been taking lots of pictures of him. I might be able to show you a picture of him - my LL will ask DD if that's OK with her. My LL says that Darling Grandson (DGS) is adorable and he already has Lots of hair on his head!
My Lap Lady is going back over to help with DGS so I am just going to stay cozy until she comes back home for dinner. Willow will probably come snuggle with me so we won't be lonely. I'm just glad to know why everyone kept leaving and my LL assured me that she will always come back to us!

Congratulations on DGS! China, Mom will be back ans give you lots of loves.
What a captivating and sweet photo of you!
Congratulations on the new addition. Now I hope you all get treats for being so badly neglected.
How exciting for your family! A DGS is probably a great thing to have around the house to snuggle with! : )
Congratulations on the wonderful addition to your family!
That is very very exciting!!! I bet your Lap Lady is totally excited. Congrats!
Congratulations on the new baby!
Hi, China! Welcome back! And congrats on the new grandblurpy!
We are glad ya can blog again. It is annoyin when the Beins leave and ya cant do that!
Oh, you look so much like Skeeter...
Congratulations for a new baby there!!
smooochies from me!
That's a great picture of you. You look adorable. That's wonderful news that there is a new adorable DGS in your family.
Oh wow congrats on your new addition to the family.
Oh we are so excited for the new DGS!!! When they grow up a bit they are fun to play with!! Have a wonderful day!
Your FL furiends,
Oh, so fun news! Many Purrs for the new lap boy (aka DGS)! Meow meow, purr purr!
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